571 Okinawan Immigrant Database  

Where in the World did Okinawans Emigrate?

This is a compilation of Okinawan Migration databases as well as other genealogical resources and web sites. You
can begin your search by selecting [Migration Databases] and then [Okinawa Emigrants 1899-1944] in the upper
left hand corner. This database contains over 63,000 records of Okinawans who emigrated to over 29
countries at the turn of the 20th century. The [Statistics] menu option contains an aggregation
of the different data items contained in this database. Use Chrome browser to translate external web sites.

Where in the world did Okinawans emigrate to?
Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Okinawa-ken Shiryo 1900-1911 Vols: 5, 6
Okinawa Kenshi Shiryohen 1912-1926 Vols: 6, 8, 11, 19
Passport Issuance Records, Diplomatic Archives
Passenger List to Brazil, National Diet Library, Digital Collection

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